Development report on Developing Forest Management Standard may be downloaded on the following link.


Standard UA SFM ST 02 Sustainable forest management. General provisions was developed by Stakeholder Working Group on forest management standard development based on PEFC ST 1003, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements and contains all its mandatory basic requirements, except the requirements for forest plantations and trees outside the forest.

According to the decision of the standardising body - the Association National System of Voluntary Forest Certification, special requirements for these categories of timber logging sources are not developed for the territory of Ukraine. The developed standard contains only restrictive requirements for forest plantations located within forest areas.

In the future, when the results of standard effect monitoring will reveal their relevance, they can be developed and included in this standard in accordance with the procedures for its revision, or allocated to the separate standard.

The requirements of this standard are applied to Organisations - applicants for certification as the criteria for the assessment by certification bodies and can be considered as a guide for the wide range of stakeholders in maintaining sustainable forest management in Ukraine. 

The requirements of this standard are harmonized with the Forest Code of Ukraine and don't contradict other laws and regulations of Ukraine.


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Documented information is available upon request. Requests please send to email of Assocaition or per phone.